365 Day Clutter Challenge

Days 4 through 8

Still sticking with SAHMmy's 365 Day Clutter Challenge.

Day 4 - Two old towels and a handful of cleaning cloths which were falling to pieces, one towel was chucked and one was cut into pieces to replace the cleaning cloths.

Day 5 - I cleared out my bookmarks on my laptop.....what.......It still counts :) It makes it a lot easier to find what I'm looking for.

Day 6 - I emptied the last few drops of shower gel and bubble bath out of eight (yep count em eight) bottles into a handwash bottle I keep in the garden tools box to wash my hands outside before I come back in. Eight empty bottles gone and all into the recycling as well.

Day 7 - An old warped baking sheet. It gets in the way of everything else because it just won't lie flat on the shelf and was only keeping it "just in case" so it's gone.

Day 8 - A cracked mug. It's not much but it all adds up in the end.

I'm having a look around at the minute and in all seriousness I could spend a year on one room and not run out of things to get rid off. This has definitely been a good idea for me.

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